
There are currently no teams scheduled due to the pandemic.

Contact if interested in serving.

Medical Teams are made up of family physicians, nurses (RN & LPN), Pharmacist, and 1 or 2 non-medical people. These teams will travel to outlying communities to diagnose and treat patients who are unable or have great difficulty getting transportation to the only hospital on LaGonave Island (the Wesleyan hospital). We typically see between 100-150 patients per clinic and we do about 4 clinics per trip. This team collects medications, vitamins, first-aid supplies, and baby gift packs to be distributed. However, we do try to purchase as much as we can in Haiti, to support their economy and cut-down on luggage.

Surgical Teams are made up of 1 or 2 Surgeons, 1 Anesthetist, 2-3 OR nurses, 1-2 Recovery nurses, or ER or ICU nurses. This team will work alongside the Haitian nurses and Doctors at the Wesleyan hospital on LaGonave, performing surgeries and hopefully teaching as many skills as we can to the hospital staff while we are there. This team collects surgical supplies such as sponges, sutures, disposable drapes, etc. to be used while we are there as well as to leave some behind for their future use.